Sunday, April 29, 2012

its all about art.

doing some art about MJ
the only thing is i don't know if i like it . : (
gotta work on michael. it looks a bit off.

Monday, April 23, 2012

what up people

some of my art

ok first cudos to angela for being so cool and all  because first she has a hot aussie hubby than she is getting her book out there and she is involved in artsy stuff. she motivates me to do the same. hmmmm. maybe i should go tape me playing piano. she wants me to do that. ,,,hey i just had an idea

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Mourning of the ocean

Tuesday, May 4, 2010 Poem-Mourning of the Ocean
  Sadness creeps into my heart because of ocean blue
I walked the beach today and thought of you
The sea turtles that were found on shore Their hearts stopped beating, they beat no more
Greed is what killed these rare sea beasts
BP company is one I like the very least
These turtles were free they were alive and vibrant
Now their dead on beaches their swimming is silent
BP cared nothing but for oil you see
The love of money is killing the sea
We must stop this greed today Or more animals on the beach will lay
Tears ran down my cheeks When I heard of the horrible oil spill that is a leak
This leak is coming from the earth today BP caused this terror and now they will pay
The animals in the ocean blue only wanted to live and play Now they are dying a most horrible way The company BP does not care I say They must be punished severely today
The animals cannot fight the oil you see They breathe water and air and now they bleed
Bp caused this terror in ocean blue
The animals are suffering because of you
Stop the greed of oil and drills
No amount of money is worth these kills
We must find a more sensitive way to care for the animals this I pray..

Our Oceans

I love the ocean. I have had a deep connection
to it longer than I can remember. Please! Say no to deepwater drilling. Our Oceans are vital to our planets survival. bp ruined our beautiful ocean and so many mammals and fish and other species that live in our beautiful waters. The blowout of the well that happened was in 2010. 2010 Please read
love love me