Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Natural Remedy for Fleas

i hate fleas. they attack my daughter more than me and she has the scars to prove it. my friend angela gave me this earth stuff that is made out of fossils and that worked some but then i need more and have no $ at the moment and the fleas were on attack! i sat down on the couch and one jumped on me. my cats on the couch were scratching and i felt something jump on me when they would scratch. oh the terror.
then my search began, i went to the internet. i found out some cool stuff. peppermint and mint are excellent flea repellants!! fleas simply don't like the smell of it and it repels other bugs too. so you can grow it, i plan to..put it outside your door to keep them at bay, you can boil it and use the water as a spray on your cats, once it cooled down of course! ha. then you can get peppermint oil and dab that on them, it is totally nontoxic unlike essential oils which are toxic to your cats.
another idea? oranges and lemons. cut their skins off and boil it, if you have some bad oranges or lemons put the whole thing in their cut up. let it boil for a while an hour or so then let it cool and if it smells real citrisy than bravo, if not citrisy enough thean boil longer, once it is extra citrisy let cool after draining off the fruit if any with a coffee filter. cool it and spray the cats down. this will keep fleas at bay. im gonna try this one later today.
all i had around was some peppermint tea. so i boiled some, and the fleas took off from the smell!! i found out also if you just leave a peppermint tea bag around on a saucer that works too!! the fleas REALLY DO NOT like the smell of peppermint.
i feel so great right now..(that link is to my facebook)   --;my facebook
because not one flea has jumped on me by simply boiling some peppermint tea. woah.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Playing Piano

what up
this is my egyptian mau, isn't he great? im gonna beg a friend of mine to borrow her keyboard as long as it will stand on its own so maybe i can play at the artwalk.
hoping it all works out.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wuzz Up

Wuzz up
My son usto love Calvin and Hobbes. I really need to go to the beach. Haven't been it feels like decades. Im losin my tan. Ugh. So tomorrow definetly going!! What are you gonna do tomorrow? And, Im gonna try and borrow a keyboard from a friend. If i can get electric and a good long cord I might be playing the keyboard at the next artwalk!


Thursday, May 10, 2012

a shirt i painted. do you know who it is?

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Drama at work

I don't normally read horoscopes but today i did and it said..you will be swimming with sharks today get ready. i was like omg and you would not believe what happened to me. it was like really?

yes i am the innocent girl and well the sharks are well ..others. i won't go into detail about what happened but i was like..really? really?????