Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Wheat is the hidden enemy

Do you have a belly? Common now admit it! I know I do. I have cut out bread weeks ago. I stay away from wheat totally. I have turned PALEO. Yep I said it. PALEO.
Do you know what PALEO is?
It is eating alot of healthy protein, real food that you cook. NO HOTDOGS OR PROCESSED MEATS.
Some smoked sausage is okay as long as the list of ingredients is very small. But it is best to cook from raw sources. Such as raw chicken, raw beef, raw pork.
Alot of VEGGIES too. Such as KALE, COLLARD GREENS which are some of the best GREEN veggies you can eat, along with spinach.
Sweet Potatoes are also good on paleo but no WHITE POTATOES. they are a NO NO
Also fruit is just fine.
Another good thing about this way of eating? You can eat as much as you want!!! NO STARVING
Most Paleo does cut out dairy but you don't have to.
It just helps with digestion and swelling to try and cut out dairy.
So I am trying PALEO
I do have a belly and want it gone easily.
I do exercise...a bit. Walking on the beach is my form of exercise and walking is supp to be the best form of exercise.
So I will let you know how it goes. I have noticed a reduction in my belly. I want it FLAT.
AND...I do not feel like I am dieting. I just look at this as a different way of eating.
oh and I do have chocolate if I want it.