Sunday, August 25, 2013

Puffs of Wings

Okay. My dad once told me this story about his mom. He said she had .."visions" from God. He told me she saw puffs of angels wings before. I didn't know what to say. But I do believe.

Monday, August 19, 2013


I am so happy right now. Its not everyday you meet a real angel.
   I must be blessed cause this is the second angel I have met. The first one was at church when I was laid out in the spirit. lol That sounds funny but its true. 
  Then God spoke to me today about Angels for Talia about the verse in the Bible about meeting angels unawares..I was so sad about her passing and now I have total peace. What a wonderful thing to have had the grace to come upon an angel.
I feel so blessed. I was so sad about her passing. She was only 13 and so full of life and vibrant and just cute!
I didn't understand what was going on. Why?
I was up for hours upset. She is so wonderful. You must visit her youtube. It is  taliajoy18

Do you believe she was a real angel? It doesn't really matter whether you believe or not because she was.