Tuesday, July 3, 2012

An Awakening

this is a picture of Bryan the day he went into the coma. It is his dad beside him, I am in the back I had no idea I was going to be in the picture. I know I don't look happy ...
I am thinking about my life 11 years ago. The reason I am thinking about it is because this is a time in my life when I had a major awakening.
I was living my life getting along, not really happy and pretty much living in sin. When I say living in sin it means I was doing what I wanted to do..........
Then all of a sudden..its like I woke up. I saw my son extremely sick. I kept taking him to different doctors and he showed flu-like symptoms. The doctors kept saying it was nothing and only when I DEMANDED they do some tests such as blood work and x-rays did the doctors realize just how sick my son was. My son had only 1/4 of the blood required in your body in his body. He was in heart failure! I was in shock and dismayed.
He had to be transferred out of state to a different hospital. I went with him not taking a single clothing item. When we arrived at the hospital via ambulance several hours later, he was put into a room and i stayed with him in the room not sleeping for 3 days. I was now AWAKE. I started praying for my son! I started seeking God!
My son went through so much when he had leukemia. He had to endure chemo and then got pneumonia and had to be placed on life support and was in a coma. He was in a coma for an entire month and was given less than a 10% chance for survival. LESS THAN 10% CHANCE!
BUT GOD....had a different plan. It was not my sons time to go be in heaven. God gave me a dream showing him happy and healthy at home the VERY NIGHT before the doctors took me into a room and they were very solemn and told me..."It is a valid option to disconnect life support, we do not think there is any hope."..I had been strengthened by the most high God the very night before when God showed me my son happy and laughing at home. I told them, "Bryan will not die!" These doctors thought I was crazy. One shook her head and just looked at me. The others didn't know what to say. Then his main doctor, the oncologist agreed to give him 3 more days. By this time the costs for caring for Bryan had reached upwards of 100 thousand dollars. But, thank God he was treated at a military hospital and so we didn't have to worry about that!
It was within those 3 days my son had a major turn-a-round and I remember his Pumologist jumping up and down he was so excited at Bryans improvement and told me in his 25 years of practicing medicine had NEVER seen a case like Bryans turn around!!!! PRAISE GOD!!!
Now this meant the pneumonia was going away but that had nothing to do with the Leukemia diagnosis. So then, I had to hear from his oncologist that Bryan still had to be tested to see if he still had Leukemia or was in remission.
Guess what? When she tested him he was in remission!!!! She had major doubts that he would not be in remission.
Than, when he came out of the coma he had to be hit 3 more times with chemo because that is their protocol even though he was in remission at the time.
The number 3 is significant here!!!!! I didn't sleep for 3 days, Bryan had a major turn-a-round within 3 days, Bryan had to be hit with more chemo 3 times..
Jesus was in the tomb 3 days before he came back and reappeared!!! Wow!!!!!  The trinity is God, The Holy Ghost and Jesus!
Bryan is doing fine today and living in Alaska.
My book Sponges is about Bryan.
Buy my book, Sponges, click!!

God surely woke me up during this time in my life ....

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