Tuesday, October 29, 2013

I want my car back!

I really want my car back. It has been sitting waiting to be fixed for 3 months. I am waiting on the money to come through and viola! presto ?

Did I mention this car was a 65 Ford?

I didn't think so. Well it is! It needs a new manifold and new carb. The leaking manifold killed the carb. I bought it this way took it to my trusty mechanic that I have known since I was a kid and he said..awww that won't hurt anything..

speaking of the leaking manifold that is. well it did hurt something, it hurt my carb. so now I need both. it is a bit of an expense too. the money should be here this week. I just can't believe stan doesn't have it fixed tho. Common already!

say a little prayer for me and my car. I will post pictures of it when I get it back. don't want to jump the gun and post them now before it happens.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Feeling blue?

Feeling blue?


I have been feeling kinda down lately. Then I get a cold or something with a cough and that really has gotten me even more down.

What to do? Well just get a lot of rest and go outside and soak up the sunshine! Along with swishing with coconut oil and taking my local honey everyday.

Give your animals extra hugs. Won't hurt. I hate staying in bed all day for resting. My body tells me to but I don't like to very much. So I force myself out of bed and do the normal things.


The moral of this blog? If you are not feeling well get lots of rest, than lots of sunshine and hug your animals and don't forget the coconut oil and the honey daily!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


If you are feeling blue for any reason get some sunshine. It is that simple. 

Go outside and breathe the fresh air and let the sun shine down on your face. Sunshine and fresh air have been proven to help with.."the blues"..

Plus if you live in my area, Florida, well go to the beach. Today it was really beautiful out. The water was so clear and there was a green flag. We don't see green flags that often.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Take a walk

Lets get this perfectly straight. I do not like to exercise. Well at least that was the way it was. But now I am diggin takin that 30 minute walk in the beautiful weather. The weather is getting a bit nippy in the 50s at night and during the day it is sunny and in the 70s. 

Living close to the beach is also a luxury. I went for a walk today and walked on the beach also and it was really nice. 

So, get your walk on.

Thursday, October 17, 2013


I found this great tool on the internet. You can fax for free. Totally free, you don't have to get into a free trial, you don't have to enter a credit card. It is totally free and you can do it right from your computer!

I have already used it and it works great. No problems.


check it out!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Have you had fun today?

Life should be about having fun.  It is not that hard to have fun. Laugh a bit, get silly, go for a walk and just sing to yourself. Pet your cat. Pet your dog. Pet whatever animal you have! Be silly!!

It matters to laugh and be silly.

When was the last time you got your silly on?

really silly video above. Get your laugh on!