Sunday, November 3, 2013



This is something I do everyday. I put about a teaspoon more or less of unrefined coconut oil in my mouth upon rising out of bed and swish! Just swish the oil around  your mouth for 20 minutes.

I know this sounds like a long time but you will be amazed at the results. 

What is it good for?

1. Your teeth! It strengthens them and gets rid of gingivitis. Your dentist will be amazed and so will you! It also whitens your teeth!

2. Your sinuses! Do you have problems with your sinuses? Well then oil pulling is for you! It will clear you up with the very first time you do it. Don't believe me? Give it a try then!

3. Your throat! Yep if you have a sore throat oil pulling is for you. Don't ever swallow it though because it is carrying all that bacteria that you swished around your mouth! But it will get rid of a sore throat. Give it a try already!

4. Your entire body! Yep you heard me right. Oil pulling is one of the healthiest things you can do for your body. Because you have to understand that your teeth absorb everything that you put in your mouth. When you put unrefined coconut oil in your mouth with its antimicrobial properties, it actually disinfects your body and does a detox on your entire system.

Hope I got your attention and you go out and buy some unrefined coconut oil. You can get it at Sams Club along with Publix but Sams has a better deal. You can also order it online.

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