Monday, August 6, 2012


A question. Would you rather spend eternity in heaven or hell? Well I know your answer has to be heaven right?

Have you asked Jesus to come into your heart and to forgive you of all your sins? If you haven't then I suggest you do! Because only those that have will go to heaven.

I like to think about heaven because so many dear ones I knew are there. I even had a dream about my son and dad and heard from God telling me to not worry about them that they will be there when I get there. It gave me so much peace.

I am currently reading a book about heaven and hell. It is a true story! About a couple that traveled to heaven and hell and came back to earth to tell about it. The woman went to hell, the man went to heaven.

Hell is full of cells and torture. Do YOU want to be tortured for eternity? I know I don't!

Getting into heaven is not as simple as .."being a good person" must take up your cross and follow Jesus. Plain and simple. You must follow the Bible. You must repent of your sins and ask God to come into your heart and guide you! YOU MUST!!

Even my son when he was in a coma saw a demon and an angel. God gave Bryan a choice even in the coma of following Him. Bryan chose to follow God!! Bryan had a major miracle of surviving cancer!
In the coma the demon would come to Bryan and torture him. An angel would also come and comfort him. One time Bryan was in a boat doing the things he shouldn't be doing, ignoring God and the call on his life and an angelic being scolded Bryan and told him to stop. Bryan then jumped out of the boat and into a river and heard an angelic choir singing! The river was coming out of the church we once attended. WOW.

Why take the easy wide road that most take, doing what ever you want to do instead of following God and his Holy Word? Take the road less traveled, the road to God.

or else you will be tortured for eternity.

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