Friday, June 29, 2012

What do YOU believe in?

I had a major change happen in my life recently. My boss quit suddenly without warning. This was a big change for me and now I have a new boss coming from another state! I am embracing this change. I have been praying about my job. Now I feel this is an answer to prayer. I am not saying I wanted her to leave but there has been something happening in the spirit realm. I feel there are more changes coming. God does answer prayers. Now God what about that vision you gave me on the floor of Abundant Life Church over 20 years ago? Im still questioning that one. I saw a real angel and I even painted it..I heard things. It does not EVER look like it is gonna happen to me but what do I know? LOL...this is a picture of the is not finished yet,,I painted it years ago..

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Do you believe in miracles? Have you ever witnessed a miracle? Have you ever experienced a miracle? Read my book, Sponges. This is based on a true story of my son surviving cancer and the doctors giving up hope wanting to disconnect the life support and then God gave me a dream and showed me him  happy and laughing at home.
Get my book, Sponges to buy!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Tropical Storm Debby

Debby please do NOT turn into a hurricane! Stay a tropical storm and wither away. I took this picture today of the waves and ominus clouds. June 24, 2012.

Friday, June 22, 2012


Love is always the answer.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Heaven Inside Of You

I heard the most amazing phrase. Heaven inside of you. Wow. That is a deep statement! But think about it a minute. If you are a Christian and asked Jesus in your heart than you have heaven inside of you. Wanna know why? Because Jesus lives in Heaven! So that means we can do what Jesus did when he walked the earth. We are walking the earth right? We live in the earth. I love that ..Heaven inside of you. Of course this came from Doctor Christian Harfouche, at He gets deep in the things of God. So if you like swimming in the deep check it out!!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


How to define? Not carrying hate/resentment or any type of ill feeling against another. Letting go of any hurts that you may feel. Prayer helps!
God does not want us to be bound by ourself. Yes you can bound yourself up!
-Having sex with someone outside of marriage. This creates a soul-tie (which I learned from Dr. Robin Harfouche) which hinders you because when you have sex with a person you become tied to that person spirtually. You become one as the word says. When you become one, you take on all that other person has. So BE CAREFUL LADIES AND GENTLEMEN about who you.."give it up to"..
-Dabling in horoscopes or calling a psychic or even any other kind of religion that does not line up with the Word of God. Here is a little secret for ya to choose the right kind of I don't like that word because what we are seeking is a real relationship with our creator, the great I AM. He is not boring. He is not sad. He is vibrant and shows himself in miracles and many other wonderous ways!!!! God is so much more than you, I, or anyone can ever imagine.
I need to get back to forgiveness. O.k. If someone hurts you, mistreats you or anyone you know and you don't forgive, and let it go than YOU will be the one that pays for it. Unforgiveness can show itself in many ways in your body and life. It can throw daggers at you if you don't allow God to show you how to forgive.
-Lets just be happy. Get in the annointing of God. Get swimming in the spirit. Does this sound crazy/wierd to you? Oh well....just believe and than you can receive. ...even if you don't believe God will still show off in your life. You will feel such a power, Kathryn Kulman called a cord is put inside of you... have forgiven...
But, remember...If someone mistreats you and does not ask forgiveness than you still forgive but move on with your life. God wants us to forgive but he does not want us to be abused by others. Walk in the spirit at all times!!!
Wow Ive gotten deep with this one..

Wool keeps you cool??????

I have some wool pants that I usually save for when I am cold which in Florida is hard to come by. I decided to do some research on wool and found out that wool can keep you cool in the summer as well as keep you warm in the winter! Why? Because wool keeps your body at a level temp! Wool removes excess moisture and heat from your skin.
I am testing this theory by wearing my wool pants to work today. I have some lightweight polyester pants that I usually wear but today its gonna be wool!
I will let you know if I feel cooler today.
Updates later.....

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Annointing

this lady was Kathryn Kuhlman. i found her book, "God can do it again" and took it with me to the beach. I have read this book many times but decided to read it again. Kathryn Kuhlman was one of the first ..."miracle workers"..i don't really like that term because we are just vessels for God to move through. Kathryn Kuhlman was one of the very first vessels for Gods power! Many, thousands were healed in her services. Many unexplained healings occurred. Miracles do happen! Whether you believe or not!

Listen to Kathryn Kulman, click!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Peppermint Spray for So Many Uses!!

Did ya know?
You can put a few teaspoons of peppermint extract in a spray bottle mixed with water about 2 cups and use that for a natual room deodorizer and flea repellant! Peppermint extract is also good for relaxing a nervous cat. Just put a bit on the back of their neck!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Magnesium in the ocean!!!

a nice cool fact. did you know that you can get magnesium simply by getting in the ocean? the ocean is loaded with minerals and absorption through the skin is the best way to get it! So if you are blessed like I am and live next to the beach, go swimming and get the magnesium your body needs along with many other good minerals!!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

With God..

Miracles Happen Here!!
Please if you ever believed in God or need a miracle in your life, click on this link. This church is in Pensacola, Florida. If you can get there in person I encourage you to do so!!! You will never be the same!
Miracles happen here! Unexplained things happen here! Great things happen here!
Ok thats all.
Love ya
All things are possible..with God

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Public Performance

i miss my old camera ..this camera i dont like so much but i did get this cool photo of my beach. so..ive been practicing playing moonlight sonata on a cheap keyboard for the ARTWALK on the 15th of June, the only thing I wish i had is a nicer keyboard. alas, this one isnt that great but i guess it will do for my first ever public performance since i was little. I almost remember having a recital when I was small. barely remember it. I don't think I did so well. Ha. I think this ARTWALK will go well though.  please come and give me a listen! I will be playing Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven that took about a year for me to learn. Its the first movement. I will be playing in front of a very cool shop, the name of it is the Shangrila it is in downtown F.W.B.
see ya there!

Saturday, June 2, 2012


beauty can come to us if we seek it, lets seek beauty! what is beautiful in your life?