Thursday, June 7, 2012

Public Performance

i miss my old camera ..this camera i dont like so much but i did get this cool photo of my beach. so..ive been practicing playing moonlight sonata on a cheap keyboard for the ARTWALK on the 15th of June, the only thing I wish i had is a nicer keyboard. alas, this one isnt that great but i guess it will do for my first ever public performance since i was little. I almost remember having a recital when I was small. barely remember it. I don't think I did so well. Ha. I think this ARTWALK will go well though.  please come and give me a listen! I will be playing Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven that took about a year for me to learn. Its the first movement. I will be playing in front of a very cool shop, the name of it is the Shangrila it is in downtown F.W.B.
see ya there!

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