Sunday, November 24, 2013


Do you know what that means? I don't know what to say. That is me today.

Sunday, November 3, 2013



This is something I do everyday. I put about a teaspoon more or less of unrefined coconut oil in my mouth upon rising out of bed and swish! Just swish the oil around  your mouth for 20 minutes.

I know this sounds like a long time but you will be amazed at the results. 

What is it good for?

1. Your teeth! It strengthens them and gets rid of gingivitis. Your dentist will be amazed and so will you! It also whitens your teeth!

2. Your sinuses! Do you have problems with your sinuses? Well then oil pulling is for you! It will clear you up with the very first time you do it. Don't believe me? Give it a try then!

3. Your throat! Yep if you have a sore throat oil pulling is for you. Don't ever swallow it though because it is carrying all that bacteria that you swished around your mouth! But it will get rid of a sore throat. Give it a try already!

4. Your entire body! Yep you heard me right. Oil pulling is one of the healthiest things you can do for your body. Because you have to understand that your teeth absorb everything that you put in your mouth. When you put unrefined coconut oil in your mouth with its antimicrobial properties, it actually disinfects your body and does a detox on your entire system.

Hope I got your attention and you go out and buy some unrefined coconut oil. You can get it at Sams Club along with Publix but Sams has a better deal. You can also order it online.

Saturday, November 2, 2013


Isn't it odd how a song can take you back to a particular place and time? How that one song can set you right there, and all those memories flood back. 

For me that song is

Brick (name of the band) and the name of the song? Dazz

I was so clueless back then in the late 70s. 

Now I wonder if maybe my mum was giving me medicine without my knowledge. She had all sorts of pills she took and then my brother was on some sort of concoction the psychiatrist came up with. 

Because literally back when I lived at home I was clueless. I just sort of went through life in a bit of a daze. Could have been meds, could have been, I am not ruling it out.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Foot Massage

This is so easy and simple. Buy a golf ball if you don't have one sitting around already. Rub your foot on the golf ball while standing or sitting. Put more pressure where you feel pain or tightness. It really is amazing!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

I want my car back!

I really want my car back. It has been sitting waiting to be fixed for 3 months. I am waiting on the money to come through and viola! presto ?

Did I mention this car was a 65 Ford?

I didn't think so. Well it is! It needs a new manifold and new carb. The leaking manifold killed the carb. I bought it this way took it to my trusty mechanic that I have known since I was a kid and he said..awww that won't hurt anything..

speaking of the leaking manifold that is. well it did hurt something, it hurt my carb. so now I need both. it is a bit of an expense too. the money should be here this week. I just can't believe stan doesn't have it fixed tho. Common already!

say a little prayer for me and my car. I will post pictures of it when I get it back. don't want to jump the gun and post them now before it happens.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Feeling blue?

Feeling blue?


I have been feeling kinda down lately. Then I get a cold or something with a cough and that really has gotten me even more down.

What to do? Well just get a lot of rest and go outside and soak up the sunshine! Along with swishing with coconut oil and taking my local honey everyday.

Give your animals extra hugs. Won't hurt. I hate staying in bed all day for resting. My body tells me to but I don't like to very much. So I force myself out of bed and do the normal things.


The moral of this blog? If you are not feeling well get lots of rest, than lots of sunshine and hug your animals and don't forget the coconut oil and the honey daily!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


If you are feeling blue for any reason get some sunshine. It is that simple. 

Go outside and breathe the fresh air and let the sun shine down on your face. Sunshine and fresh air have been proven to help with.."the blues"..

Plus if you live in my area, Florida, well go to the beach. Today it was really beautiful out. The water was so clear and there was a green flag. We don't see green flags that often.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Take a walk

Lets get this perfectly straight. I do not like to exercise. Well at least that was the way it was. But now I am diggin takin that 30 minute walk in the beautiful weather. The weather is getting a bit nippy in the 50s at night and during the day it is sunny and in the 70s. 

Living close to the beach is also a luxury. I went for a walk today and walked on the beach also and it was really nice. 

So, get your walk on.

Thursday, October 17, 2013


I found this great tool on the internet. You can fax for free. Totally free, you don't have to get into a free trial, you don't have to enter a credit card. It is totally free and you can do it right from your computer!

I have already used it and it works great. No problems.

check it out!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Have you had fun today?

Life should be about having fun.  It is not that hard to have fun. Laugh a bit, get silly, go for a walk and just sing to yourself. Pet your cat. Pet your dog. Pet whatever animal you have! Be silly!!

It matters to laugh and be silly.

When was the last time you got your silly on?

really silly video above. Get your laugh on! 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Never thought that I would smile again

Lets get down to brass tactics. Prayer works. Believing is the way to go. Thanking God for your life should be done everyday! Right now Lord I thank you! Thank you!
Now what should you do next? Listen to Brighter Day by Kirk Franklin.

Class is now over


Sunday, August 25, 2013

Puffs of Wings

Okay. My dad once told me this story about his mom. He said she had .."visions" from God. He told me she saw puffs of angels wings before. I didn't know what to say. But I do believe.

Monday, August 19, 2013


I am so happy right now. Its not everyday you meet a real angel.
   I must be blessed cause this is the second angel I have met. The first one was at church when I was laid out in the spirit. lol That sounds funny but its true. 
  Then God spoke to me today about Angels for Talia about the verse in the Bible about meeting angels unawares..I was so sad about her passing and now I have total peace. What a wonderful thing to have had the grace to come upon an angel.
I feel so blessed. I was so sad about her passing. She was only 13 and so full of life and vibrant and just cute!
I didn't understand what was going on. Why?
I was up for hours upset. She is so wonderful. You must visit her youtube. It is  taliajoy18

Do you believe she was a real angel? It doesn't really matter whether you believe or not because she was.

Friday, July 12, 2013

What is racism?

What is racism?

Racism is ignorance. Racism is judging someone because they look differently from you. Racism is deep rooted prejudice that dates back many years. 

Why does racism exist?

I do not have the answer to this question. I would say it has to be evil. That is the only answer that it comes from hell. 

How can you judge someone just on the color of their skin? It doesn't make sense. 

I am deeply moved by the State of Florida vs. Zimmerman trial. I believe Zimmerman is lying. There are things that happened that night that he is not saying. There is a cover up.
Even the investigation was botched. Trayvon Martins body was not handled correctly to collect evidence. The police didn't care about Trayvon dying. The police just looked at it as another young black man dead and they probably used worse words. 
Trayvon was just trying to get home. He was profiled by a wanna be cop, George Zimmerman because he fit a profile George Zimmerman had in his head. 
George Zimmerman followed Trayvon Martin and killed him in cold blood when Trayvon tried to defend himself from Zimmerman. 


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

State of Fl vs George Zimmerman

I am immersed in this trial. I think it was racial. Trayvon was an innocent kid walking home with skittles and watermelon tea and was followed by Zimmerman and a fight ensued and an innocent kid is now dead.
This trial will be indicative of A time to kill.
I hope justice will be served for Trayvon.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Wheat is the hidden enemy

Do you have a belly? Common now admit it! I know I do. I have cut out bread weeks ago. I stay away from wheat totally. I have turned PALEO. Yep I said it. PALEO.
Do you know what PALEO is?
It is eating alot of healthy protein, real food that you cook. NO HOTDOGS OR PROCESSED MEATS.
Some smoked sausage is okay as long as the list of ingredients is very small. But it is best to cook from raw sources. Such as raw chicken, raw beef, raw pork.
Alot of VEGGIES too. Such as KALE, COLLARD GREENS which are some of the best GREEN veggies you can eat, along with spinach.
Sweet Potatoes are also good on paleo but no WHITE POTATOES. they are a NO NO
Also fruit is just fine.
Another good thing about this way of eating? You can eat as much as you want!!! NO STARVING
Most Paleo does cut out dairy but you don't have to.
It just helps with digestion and swelling to try and cut out dairy.
So I am trying PALEO
I do have a belly and want it gone easily.
I do exercise...a bit. Walking on the beach is my form of exercise and walking is supp to be the best form of exercise.
So I will let you know how it goes. I have noticed a reduction in my belly. I want it FLAT.
AND...I do not feel like I am dieting. I just look at this as a different way of eating.
oh and I do have chocolate if I want it.

Sunday, March 31, 2013


Have you heard of oil pulling? It is one of the healthiest things you can do for your teeth and body! Use Unrefined Coconut Oil. First thing in the morning as soon as you rise, before you drink anything, put a teaspoon of Unrefined Coconut Oil in your mouth. Swish it around your mouth for up to 20 minutes. Pretend it is mouthwash, heck don't pretend, it is the best mouthwash you can use!! Swish swish, then spit out. You will notice whiter teeth, you will notice your tastebuds changing, you will taste food more! You will see your teeth decay diminish!! It cures tooth decay!! It strengthens your teeth!! Your dentist will be amazed!!
Please do this for yourself today.
Happy Easter!
He is risen!!!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Do you believe in luck?

Happy Saint Pattys Day!
Don't forget to wear some green today or you might get pinched!
Today I am being thankful.
My 16 year old daughter now has a job and this makes me very thankful but this isn't the best part. The best part is the way it happened.
Sometimes we worry and fret. We do, lets admit it. I was a bit worried about my daughter finding a job. She was looking for weeks with nothing in sight. But then..
We were going to do laundry. We stopped at Taco Bell to get something to eat. We go inside. A very sweet and perky manager is at the front grinning at us. The manager looks at my daughter. She smiles. " you need a job?" "We sure need some pretty girls at the front!" Get this, my daughter wasn't even applying! We were there eating food! LOL
Of course we were thrilled! She was like..."Yes I would like a job!" She didn't even have to fill out an application. She had the job.
I don't look at this as lucky. I have learned that luck has nothing to do with it. I think God knew she was going to work there. He set it up.
Now, I need to realize that again. God has us. He loves us. I feel blessed.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Going with the FLOW

I am working on going with the flow. Accepting life and embracing life as it comes. Speaking only positive words smiling in anticipation.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Happy New Year! Now What?

Hello and Happy 2013!
How is your new year going so far??? Well for Christmas for me, I went outside and discovered I had a flat tire! BOOOOOO
That really made me mad. I was hoping these tires would last me a bit longer but alas it finally gave. These tires lasted 5 years so I really cannot complain too much.
The bad part? No money right now to fix it. get new tires. Both of the back tires I got at the same time so I don't just want to get one tire cause then the other one might just go.
I do have a tax refund coming so that is a good thing but taxes have been pushed to Jan 30! So the  IRS will not even accept them till then. BOOOOO
My son came down for Christmas all the way from Alaska so that was nice. But as soon as he left, I got the flu.
I still have the flu and it is Jan 10. BOOOOO
I am working tomorrow and hopefully I get through the day okay with not too many sneezes.
Happy Thoughts