Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Ocean detoxes!

Did you know that the ocean is a natural detoxer for your body? So..if you are not feeling that great, have aches and pains etc, get in the water at the beach!! Don't sit on the sidelines admiring the water, get in it!!!
I did just that today after working and doing laundry. I have to stand on my feet all day and oh boy did the water feel sublime at the beach, I got there about 7 p.m. and there were lots in the water!! I sat down in the shallow end and just let the waves cascade over me..then I actually laid down in the ocean and just felt the goodness of the water!!
I feel really blessed right now, especially since I can walk there and be there in about 5 minutes!!!

Friday, July 27, 2012

What is your life full of?

What is your life full of?

Think about your day for a minute. Lets say you have a job and you go to work. Then what? How do you fill your day?
Do you pray?
Do you read the Bible?
Do you spend quality time with your family?
Do you go to church?

Don't fill your time with empty stuff such as t.v. or mindless music. If it isn't exalting God then why do it?

Think about it...

If you are unhappy, if you are worried, if you are seeking...

The Greatest Online/in-person Bible College in the world!,, click!

check it out. don't you want more in your life? what do you have to lose except the same old same old..just saying...

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Quiet time

Do you ever take quiet time? A time where you get alone and just seek God? Maybe you read the Bible or an inspiring blog and just sit and ponder and pray? I do this just about everyday. We all need time alone to be quiet. Sometimes it is doing absolutely nothing but being quiet. I love to go to the beach to do this. I just listen to the waves and let them lull me into peace and stillness. Quiet is the time where we can actually hear our own thoughts and it is a time where you can hear the voice of God....

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A Miracle

this deserved a repost

An Awakening

this is a picture of Bryan the day he went into the coma. It is his dad beside him, I am in the back I had no idea I was going to be in the picture. I know I don't look happy ...
I am thinking about my life 11 years ago. The reason I am thinking about it is because this is a time in my life when I had a major awakening.
I was living my life getting along, not really happy and pretty much living in sin. When I say living in sin it means I was doing what I wanted to do..........
Then all of a sudden..its like I woke up. I saw my son extremely sick. I kept taking him to different doctors and he showed flu-like symptoms. The doctors kept saying it was nothing and only when I DEMANDED they do some tests such as blood work and x-rays did the doctors realize just how sick my son was. My son had only 1/4 of the blood required in your body in his body. He was in heart failure! I was in shock and dismayed.
He had to be transferred out of state to a different hospital. I went with him not taking a single clothing item. When we arrived at the hospital via ambulance several hours later, he was put into a room and i stayed with him in the room not sleeping for 3 days. I was now AWAKE. I started praying for my son! I started seeking God!
My son went through so much when he had leukemia. He had to endure chemo and then got pneumonia and had to be placed on life support and was in a coma. He was in a coma for an entire month and was given less than a 10% chance for survival. LESS THAN 10% CHANCE!
BUT GOD....had a different plan. It was not my sons time to go be in heaven. God gave me a dream showing him happy and healthy at home the VERY NIGHT before the doctors took me into a room and they were very solemn and told me..."It is a valid option to disconnect life support, we do not think there is any hope."..I had been strengthened by the most high God the very night before when God showed me my son happy and laughing at home. I told them, "Bryan will not die!" These doctors thought I was crazy. One shook her head and just looked at me. The others didn't know what to say. Then his main doctor, the oncologist agreed to give him 3 more days. By this time the costs for caring for Bryan had reached upwards of 100 thousand dollars. But, thank God he was treated at a military hospital and so we didn't have to worry about that!
It was within those 3 days my son had a major turn-a-round and I remember his Pumologist jumping up and down he was so excited at Bryans improvement and told me in his 25 years of practicing medicine had NEVER seen a case like Bryans turn around!!!! PRAISE GOD!!!
Now this meant the pneumonia was going away but that had nothing to do with the Leukemia diagnosis. So then, I had to hear from his oncologist that Bryan still had to be tested to see if he still had Leukemia or was in remission.
Guess what? When she tested him he was in remission!!!! She had major doubts that he would not be in remission.
Than, when he came out of the coma he had to be hit 3 more times with chemo because that is their protocol even though he was in remission at the time.
The number 3 is significant here!!!!! I didn't sleep for 3 days, Bryan had a major turn-a-round within 3 days, Bryan had to be hit with more chemo 3 times..
Jesus was in the tomb 3 days before he came back and reappeared!!! Wow!!!!! The trinity is God, The Holy Ghost and Jesus!
Bryan is doing fine today and living in Alaska.
My book Sponges is about Bryan.
Buy my book, Sponges, click!!

God surely woke me up during this time in my life ....

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Are you happy right now?


What is happiness to you?

I know this is a big question.

Are you happy with your life right now? Do you have everything you want and need?
I know I don't. I want my car fixed right so I can drive it long distances. I want a new paint job on it so it looks great again. I want a new vinyl roof on it because the old one is cracking. I know these are material wants. But still, they are important to me. I love my 1968 Chrysler. It makes me happy.

I want to get to Pensacola to get ministered to. I want to get to The best church, ever . Yep getting to this church is on the top of my priority lists.

I have asked many if they want to go there. So far, no-one has wanted to. Im not giving up though! I will get there one way or the other.

Happiness to me is going to the greatest bible school ever . I attend online right now because right now I can't get there in person. These are links to them by the way so click on them!

I don't want to be selfish and think its all about me. But, God wants us happy. He wants us fulfilled.

I also want my daughter and son happy and fulfilled. I am so thankful they are healthy and that I am healthy.

My soul seeks more though! My spirit needs more! I have come to realize this because there is something lacking there. I keep attending bible college as often as possible, when Im not working or cleaning or talking to my daughter or son I am attending IMILIVE. IMILIVE CLICK HERE

I would like to have more $ so Im not worried about this bill or that bill. I want to have a different job that I am actually impacting peoples lives instead of the job I have now. I pray about this every single day.

God says in his word, keep seeking, keep knocking, keep asking. So I will continue to pray and then pray and pray some more! I will keep going to IMILIVE bible college. I will not give up!

Dr. Harfouche says if you keep hearing the Word of God, things will change in your life so I am taking Doc. at his word and will keep attending IMILIVE! I will not stop!
I will not give up!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Why do people die?

This has been on my mind lately. Why do people die? Only God knows.
 Sorry I don't have a better answer than that but that is the reality!
 I remember I had this great friend named Lucille. She was awesome. She was in her 90s and still going strong, she would minister to people and be such a great lightening of fire to those that needed a good friend. Then she got sick, her heart started failing. She asked me to take her to my favorite church, a place where miracles happen all the time. She told me.."if God doesn't heal me than I want to go on to be with Him"....When we got to this church, as soon as we walked into the door, she started dying. She died in front of me. I cried my eyes out and didn't understand! God understands though and He needed her and its as simple as that. God gave her what she wanted which was to be with Him! Praise God!
Don't lose hope if someone close to you died. If they knew the Lord then they went on to see Him in heaven.   Our bodies go back to dust but our spirit goes on to see God.
For only reasons God knows, He needed them in heaven.
God needed them!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Small Blessings

I have been inundated with small blessings lately. I am thankful! I am listing them below.
1. Free Gas
Who doesn't want free gas? I drive a very big car, its a 1968 Chrysler Newport and I love it so much! Some people call it a boat. I once saw it on The Beverly Hillbillies driven by Dash Riprock. I about had a fit when I saw it on t.v.
I was given free gas by my neighbor. I was watching www.IMILIVE.org and was getting ready to head off to work when my neighbor asks me..."Do you want some FREE GAS?"..I said.."excuse me?"..and then he began to explain why he was sharing gas with me but at that point I had sort of glazed over saying.."sure!" and he proceeded to put gas in my tank!
2. Free $
Yep I got free $. It wasn't an awful lot, about 60.00 but still it was free $. Let me explain. I had a charge go through in my bank that I didn't want. Virgin Mobile has a glitch on their website and once you pay for your service they AUTOMATICALLY charge your card for the next time without your knowledge. You must uncheck a box so this doesn't happen. So now I was really worried I would rack up fees from my bank. First, I called Virgin Mobile and then I was chatting with my bank online at the same time. Virgin Mobile agreed to reverse the charges but this would take 2-3 days. The charge was not only reversed but my daughter ended up getting a free month from Virgin Mobile.
Then as I was chatting with my bank online, I decided to tell them how worried I was about getting a fee because of this pending charge. I also had a maintenance fee pending and that would get me even deeper in the hole. The bank was extremely helpful and helped me switch accounts so that maintenance fee would not happen again. In the meantime, they refunded me not one but two maintenance fees. They also refunded a fee they had already charged me because of the pending charge from Virgin Mobile! So I ended up being ahead instead of in a minus in my account!
3. No Ticket!
This happened today. I was zooming to work and at a stoplight where you are supposed to stop at the red light and turn I barely paused and then zoomed past. A cop was there and then I got stopped. I started praying and well this cop was extremely sweet and let me go with a warning! woo!

So that ends my small blessings so far. Im ready for some BIG blessings now. I really would like to get my car fixed right so I can get to Pensacola to go to Miracle Faith Center Global Apostolic Church! It needs new short rod bushings and I need a spare and a jack just in case I get a flat tire. The short rod bushings make the steering wheel loose and well I only drive it to work and to do things I have to do. It doesn't even cost that much to fix, all together about 200 dollars. And now the paint has started peeling and the vinyl roof has started cracking so I really need to get that done too. An air conditioner in my car would be so nice too.

I would also be more than happy to drive with someone else to get to church. If anyone lives close and wants to go just let me know! Its a great place and so anointed! The church website

Let me know if you want to go!
this is before the paint and vinyl roof started deteriorating. 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

An Awakening

this is a picture of Bryan the day he went into the coma. It is his dad beside him, I am in the back I had no idea I was going to be in the picture. I know I don't look happy ...
I am thinking about my life 11 years ago. The reason I am thinking about it is because this is a time in my life when I had a major awakening.
I was living my life getting along, not really happy and pretty much living in sin. When I say living in sin it means I was doing what I wanted to do..........
Then all of a sudden..its like I woke up. I saw my son extremely sick. I kept taking him to different doctors and he showed flu-like symptoms. The doctors kept saying it was nothing and only when I DEMANDED they do some tests such as blood work and x-rays did the doctors realize just how sick my son was. My son had only 1/4 of the blood required in your body in his body. He was in heart failure! I was in shock and dismayed.
He had to be transferred out of state to a different hospital. I went with him not taking a single clothing item. When we arrived at the hospital via ambulance several hours later, he was put into a room and i stayed with him in the room not sleeping for 3 days. I was now AWAKE. I started praying for my son! I started seeking God!
My son went through so much when he had leukemia. He had to endure chemo and then got pneumonia and had to be placed on life support and was in a coma. He was in a coma for an entire month and was given less than a 10% chance for survival. LESS THAN 10% CHANCE!
BUT GOD....had a different plan. It was not my sons time to go be in heaven. God gave me a dream showing him happy and healthy at home the VERY NIGHT before the doctors took me into a room and they were very solemn and told me..."It is a valid option to disconnect life support, we do not think there is any hope."..I had been strengthened by the most high God the very night before when God showed me my son happy and laughing at home. I told them, "Bryan will not die!" These doctors thought I was crazy. One shook her head and just looked at me. The others didn't know what to say. Then his main doctor, the oncologist agreed to give him 3 more days. By this time the costs for caring for Bryan had reached upwards of 100 thousand dollars. But, thank God he was treated at a military hospital and so we didn't have to worry about that!
It was within those 3 days my son had a major turn-a-round and I remember his Pumologist jumping up and down he was so excited at Bryans improvement and told me in his 25 years of practicing medicine had NEVER seen a case like Bryans turn around!!!! PRAISE GOD!!!
Now this meant the pneumonia was going away but that had nothing to do with the Leukemia diagnosis. So then, I had to hear from his oncologist that Bryan still had to be tested to see if he still had Leukemia or was in remission.
Guess what? When she tested him he was in remission!!!! She had major doubts that he would not be in remission.
Than, when he came out of the coma he had to be hit 3 more times with chemo because that is their protocol even though he was in remission at the time.
The number 3 is significant here!!!!! I didn't sleep for 3 days, Bryan had a major turn-a-round within 3 days, Bryan had to be hit with more chemo 3 times..
Jesus was in the tomb 3 days before he came back and reappeared!!! Wow!!!!!  The trinity is God, The Holy Ghost and Jesus!
Bryan is doing fine today and living in Alaska.
My book Sponges is about Bryan.
Buy my book, Sponges, click!!

God surely woke me up during this time in my life ....

Sunday, July 1, 2012


I have been attending IMI, or International Miracle Institute and there is so much annointing there! God flows there! Even when the music is played which is alot of ORIGINAL music and very gifted musicians such as Patrick on the electric guitar and Lamar on the saxofone and of course Christie singing, God shows up, He is there! Sometimes the spirit will hit me in a way where I start crying because I feel Gods love for me. When I attend there in person i always end up laughing in the spirit and when hands are laid on me wow change happens!!!!
Change happens when I attend online!! I love Miracle Faith Center so much. Do you want to know the main reason I love it so much? Because I feel accepted, because I feel loved and I feel God!!! I had a major happening there years ago also where God touched me so powerfully and was released was from so many things and felt such a warm oil on my heart. I was up front waiting on Doctor Harfouche to pray for me and he was praying over others..then God said.."I got this" and started to touch me in such a way that the ushers could not hold onto me!! I then got such a touch from the most high God that I will never be the same!!!! I have been praying for a way to get there again in person. And, God will make a way when it is His time I will be there!!!
Change happens when you watch online, change happens when you attend in person and its always good change and its always powerful change!!!
Change is good!
Another thing I love about Miracle Faith Center is that they let God run the service, they don't look at the clock, they just flow in the spirit! Sometimes the services can last over 3 hours! I love that! It is real meat they are serving there not porridge. Im talking about meat of the word of God!! MFC is training warriors for victory!!!
Check it out.
Love ya.