Sunday, July 1, 2012


I have been attending IMI, or International Miracle Institute and there is so much annointing there! God flows there! Even when the music is played which is alot of ORIGINAL music and very gifted musicians such as Patrick on the electric guitar and Lamar on the saxofone and of course Christie singing, God shows up, He is there! Sometimes the spirit will hit me in a way where I start crying because I feel Gods love for me. When I attend there in person i always end up laughing in the spirit and when hands are laid on me wow change happens!!!!
Change happens when I attend online!! I love Miracle Faith Center so much. Do you want to know the main reason I love it so much? Because I feel accepted, because I feel loved and I feel God!!! I had a major happening there years ago also where God touched me so powerfully and was released was from so many things and felt such a warm oil on my heart. I was up front waiting on Doctor Harfouche to pray for me and he was praying over others..then God said.."I got this" and started to touch me in such a way that the ushers could not hold onto me!! I then got such a touch from the most high God that I will never be the same!!!! I have been praying for a way to get there again in person. And, God will make a way when it is His time I will be there!!!
Change happens when you watch online, change happens when you attend in person and its always good change and its always powerful change!!!
Change is good!
Another thing I love about Miracle Faith Center is that they let God run the service, they don't look at the clock, they just flow in the spirit! Sometimes the services can last over 3 hours! I love that! It is real meat they are serving there not porridge. Im talking about meat of the word of God!! MFC is training warriors for victory!!!
Check it out.
Love ya.

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