Friday, May 28, 2010

BP=Lies and Corruption

BP has lied to U.S. from the begining. We did not see the oil leak from the begining, although BP had a camera down there. Bp was not forthcoming about the oil being released and lied about it saying it was only 5,000 gal. per day and now they are looking at upwards of 70,000 gal per day.Tiny Tony Hayward said, "very modest impact on environment" ... See Morethis was the first lie. Now Tiny Tony Hayward knows he was caught in that lie. Then because of the lie about the amount of oil, Lisa P Jackson, head of EPA authorized the dispersant or as it is better known..TOXIC SOUP..has made this oil spill worse. The dispersant was to be used because of the 5,000 gal not in the 70,000 oil being currently spilled.BP INCREASED the amount of dispersant or TOXIC SOUP and the dispersant is being discovered to be 4X as toxic as the oil itself. BP is using this dispersant to MASK the effects of this horrific oilspill, because the dispersant causes the oil to become tiny droplets and sink into the ocean. There has been a large plume covering upwards to 12 feet in the ocean currently heading to MOBILE BAY that was discovered by scientists with University of Florida. BP does not want to stop dispersant because it is aiding them in HIDING the effect of the oil in the ocean. The dispersant needs to be completely stopped, there has been upward of 850,000 gallons released into the gulf and is being compared to anti-freeze in TOXICITY. BP is now fighting to keep putting dispersant into ocean as we speak. I am horriied that the oil tankers have not been employed to suck up the oil, this could have been done weeks ago and stopped much of what is happening now on LA coast. All that is happening is a bunch of small boats around the rig SKIMMING bits of the oil and the fires that were going on to burn it off actually only amounted to about 2% of the oil on the ocean. The small boats should be taken off and supertankers put out there to sux up the oil on the water NOW. QUIT MAKING EXCUSES, QUIT WITH THE RED TAPE AND GET THE OIL OUT OF THE OCEAN, STOP THE LEAK, OBAMA NEEDS TO GIVE LA WHAT THEY WANT WHICH IS TO BE ABLE TO DO WHAT THEY NEED RIGHT NOW TODAY AND PRESIDENT OBAMA NEEDS TO GIVE THE OK FOR BILLY NUNGESSER TO DO WHAT HE NEEDS TO DO AND THE GOVENOR OF LA. THIS SPILL HAS NOW SURPASSED THE EXXON VALDEEZ AND WE NEED TO PRAY FOR A MIRACLE THAT OBAMA IS GOING TO STEP TO THE PLATE AND TAKE CHARGE OF BP AND NOT LET BP TAKE CHARGE OF THE FEDERAL GOV. IT IS NOT BPS OCEAN, IT IS NOT BPS BEACHES, IT IS NOT BPS MARSHES, BPS OIL IS TRESPASSING ON OUR WATERS, OUR BEACHES, OUR MARSHES, OUR WILDLIFE, THEY NEED TO BE CRIMINALLY CHARGED FOR THIS INCIDENT, MOVE OUT OF THE WAY BP CAUSE YOU ARE GOING DOWN...

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