Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Pelican

Someone found a pelican today
Their feathers were covered they say
By a petroleum product and then
They are trying to nurse him back to health again

The Coast Guard Admiral answered questions about
Alot of stuff about oil in the South
She did her best to answer again
What is happening to our ocean my friends

Why does greed have to turn into oil
Why does this oil have to spew on the ocean floor
Why is the love of money the root of evil
This is not answered easily but listen people

There is evil in the world today
Why does the ocean have to pay
What about the animals in the sea
I am just one person but you must listen BP

The ocean is where our eco-system lives
There are many fish that swim there and exist
Will they be saved, what about the wildlife?
For all the animals, the mammals in the sea
Lets pray for our ocean, are you listening BP?

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