Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Florida Native here

I am so sad about this oilspill. I am a native of Florida, born and raised here and have lived here practically all my life. I left when I was younger but didn't stay gone long and came back and will never leave again.
I am so sad about the animals/mammals/birds and every other living being that is being affected by this horrible oilspill, gusher, whatever you want to call it happening.
I cannot look at the pictures or the videos about this event because my heart cannot handle it. I cry at the pelicans covered with oil. We had a pelican here that was found oiled that died. These innocent animals of the sea and the birds did nothing to deserve this torture at the hands of man, specifically BP.
This event happened because of greed and negligence. Why the dependence on oil? Why can't we live greener lifestyles? Must our whole eco-system crash because of greed? Must our whole Gulf of Mexico suffer because of oil? Must our whole eco-system die because of our selfishness? I myself only drive my car about 4-6 times a month and that is just to get groceries in large amounts. That is it. I have been trying to sell my car because of its gas usage but so far have been unable to.
Louisiania is suffering right now. Parish President Billy Nungesser pleaded on CNN for help to block the oil from further invading his marshes. Why hasn't anyone listened? I could feel his heart breaking as he was speaking on the news. He doesn't care about what others think, all he cares about is the marshes. He is showing the negligence of BP not doing all they can do to stop the oil. All BP is doing is cleaning off a few birds, cleaning up a few beaches where the oil has already impacted but BP IS NOT DOING ANYTHING TO PREVENT THE OIL FROM COMING ON THE SHORES OR MARSHES. Go to CNN and watch his video. Feel his pain. Help him in any way you can. We as Americans have the ability to make our voice known. We as Americans have the ability to help Louisiana. Go to Louisiana, call Billy Nungesser, get on his facebook page and tell him what you can do to help!
We must as a nation under God help our environment. If BP is going to try and ruin our beautiful pristine Gulf than we as Americans must battle BP and take the matter in our own hands. I have signed a petition to stop any further dealings from our Government with BP. Will you do the same? You can find me on facebook and you can find me on twitter under destingirl54. Add me as friend, follow me on twitter and lets do as a nation what we can do to battle the evil named BP.
It is for the dolphins, the sea turtles, the pelicans, the sea gulls, the many fish, and many others I haven't listed. It is for our eco-system.
Florida native

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