Monday, May 3, 2010


Have you ever felt peace in the midst of the storm? Maybe something horrible was going on in your life or to someone you know but you just felt peace? This has happened to me before. Unfort. not that many times but when these horrible things were happening I had peace. These were situations of sickness with people I was very close to. These people were dying. This was a definite storm but God gave me peace and these people did not die but they lived. God is so good. He is so good. I know sometimes God decides to take people to heaven but sometimes they live and I am so happy to know of some that I knew personally that didn't die but lived when the doctors said they would die. I love miracles. I have seen miracles.

Now to the oilspill. I cried for 3 days because of this oilspill. I prayed and I cried. I cried out to God for a miracle. I knew in my spirit how horrible it was without listening to the news, God gave me that knowing but he also gave me the ablilty to pray and pray I did. I am still praying. But, now I feel peace. I felt the peace first last night. I just knew it was going to get better. Then I saw the good news on the news today about them stopping much of the flow of oil and the good news that the rain is helping the impact on the environment. God is moving! Do not give up hope. The next good news we will hear is that the seal is completely stopped and no more flow of oil. Help me pray for the next miracle. Help me pray for the animals in the Gulfcoast. Do you believe in miracles? Have you seen a miracle? I have seen many and I know God will begin to show me many miracles in the days to come regarding this oilspill.
Thankyou Lord Jesus for making a way where there is no way, thankyou Father God for shifting the winds away from the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Thankyou Father God for protecting our ocean. Thankyou father God for the oil leak stopping. I give you praise for this miracle in the name of Jesus which is above every name. I thankyou God that nothing is too hard for you and to move on our Gulf. In Jesus name I pray..amen


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