Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Poem-Mourning of the Ocean

Sadness creeps into my heart because of ocean blue
I walked the beach today and thought of you
The sea turtles that were found on shore
Their hearts stopped beating, they beat no more

Greed is what killed these rare sea beasts
BP company is one I like the very least
These turtles were free they were alive and vibrant
Now their dead on beaches their swimming is silent

BP cared nothing but for oil you see
The love of money is killing the sea
We must stop this greed today
Or more animals on the beach will lay

Tears ran down my cheeks
When I heard of the horrible oil spill that is a leak
This leak is coming from the earth today
BP caused this terror and now they will pay

The animals in the ocean blue only wanted to live and play
Now they are dying a most horrible way
The company BP does not care I say
They must be punished severely today

The animals cannot fight the oil you see
They breathe water and air and now they bleed
Bp caused this terror in ocean blue
The animals are suffering because of you

Stop the greed of oil and drills
No amount of money is worth these kills
We must find a more sensitive way
to care for the animals this I pray..

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